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Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
Elements of Anarchist Theory and Strategy tefloq 9:23pm J2
FORO CONVERSATORIO: A 50 AÑOS DEL GOLPE CÍVICO MILITAR Los desafíos y tareas del anarquismo cotanak 7:02pm J2
USA cambió su política migratoria respecto a inmigrantes endureciendo leyes Best Custom Pat 3:03pm J1
“An Organisation of Militants” The Federación Anarquista Uruguaya mark 1:12pm J1
espero 7 – Die neue Sommerausgabe 2023 James 11:49am J1
Death or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? Mila 6:43am J1
The Broken Promises of Vietnam Sean 3:45am J1
Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito From Rojava Sean 3:42am J1
Resist Genocide Sean 3:40am J1
Procesos de Organización de Lucha Carcelaria en Colombia ChandigarhEscor 11:53pm M31
International anarchist solidarity against Turkish state repression Islamabad call 4:58pm M31
Support Sudanese anarchists in exile Lucius Bulger 2:20pm M31
Comunicado sobre el Paro Nacional y las Jornadas de Protesta en Colombia Rickey 1:12am M31
Mortar, no. 3: Editorial - here we go again Toy Cavoodle 12:43am M31
8 de marzo: Nunca mas sin nosotras Jayne Stacey 11:40pm M30
Encuentros Ácratas: Miradas anarquistas sobre el libertarianismo de derecha. Alaknanda 6:25pm M30
Are Anarchists Giving in to War Fever? arlaso 4:11pm M30
El movimiento download lagu 5:06am M30
19 de Julio: Cuando el pueblo se levanta, escribe la historia Giovanni 3:32am M30
Trans Rights is a Class Issue mark 12:52am M30
Anarchist Theory and History in Global Perspective mark 10:28pm M29
Comunicado 1 de mayo de 2022 WilliamJohnson 6:17pm M29
Book Review: 'Why We Fight' syedahsan 10:18pm M28
La competencia entre Irán y Estados Unidos por Irak Mariali 9:46pm M28
Comunicado Sobre Nossa Saída da CAB rhea diaz 2:41pm M28
This is a Global Pandemic – Let’s Treat it as Such Hemoni granger 1:07pm M28
Anarchy, Crime, and Prisons GuyMason 5:16am M28
Statement from Anarkismo on the AK Press accusations against Michael Schmidt Traffic rider 2:42am M28
Declaración Anarquista Internacional por el Primero de Mayo, 2022 Mina 9:31pm M27
Euskal Herria: El debate estratégico felixandrea 6:56pm M27
A Companion to the English Translation of Social Anarchism and Organisation papa's pizzeria 6:46pm M27
Encuentro Ácrata: Estatización y coyuntura laboral en Colombia Subway Surfers 5:38pm M27
The state of the union is …unequal taylo elle 5:31pm M27
Reflexiones sobre la situación de Afganistán Payal Kapoor 2:40pm M27
[Chile] Nace La Federación Anarquista Santiago Sion 12:48pm M27
May 17, International Day Against Homophobia. Chechnya but not only tutasganyodaiyo 9:25pm M26
Carta de Opinión Enero 2024 Zurab 7:19pm M26
Power and Anarchism: Approximation or Contradiction? Adonis Dane 2:21pm M26
End of the Road for the AKP? private delight 7:09am M26
Declaração anarquista internacional sobre a pandemia da Covid-19 Max Williams 6:34am M26
"My experience of Anarchism in Bulgaria" Max Williams 6:32am M26
Le vieux monde opprime les femmes et les minorités de genre. Leur force le détruira ! Joshua 6:20pm M25
Book Review: Unflattering Photos of Fascists Head Soccer 4:34pm M24
Carta Opinión – fAu – Agosto 2018 Roshini Sinha 4:17pm M24
Tensiones y desafíos actuales en torno a las construcciones populares autónomas Fun Games 11:05am M24
Vaccine nationalism and profiteering Ainz 10:45am M15
Against Militarism and War: For self-organised struggle and social revolution slot online 12:41am M15
Everything you were told about the Syrian war was wrong – until now seooo servicess 10:05pm M14
Lessons from the Historic Fight Against Fascism Vansh Sharma 9:18pm M14
May Day 2019/İstanbul subhanakhtar 7:14pm M14
We condemn the Turkish state attack and invasion of the Iraqi Kurdistan Jo 12:01pm M14
Sky Anarchy Drift Hunters 11:59am M14
Learning from India: Political Parties, Alliances & Trade Union Organising for Counter-Power Tunnel Rush 11:57am M14
An Anarchist View of Trotsky’s "Transitional Program" fnaf 11:51am M14
Seize the Hospitals! ...But How? that's not my n 11:48am M14
Should the Anti-Capitalists Contest Elections? retro bowl 11:45am M14

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